Setting Intentions with New Moon Energy

Feb 19, 2020

Setting Intentions with a New Moon Ceremony allows you to plant the seeds of your desires and set them free among the stars. You can then, together with the Universe, use this next moon phase to nurture them into being.

New Moons represent the beginning of a cycle and are considered a phase of growth. It is a great time to plant seeds for our dreams and desires for the future. The new moon is an invitation to start fresh, call in intentions, and set the tone for the next cycle.



Creating Intention Setting Ceremonies using the energy of the New Moon Click To Tweet

The most important aspect of setting your New Moon intentions is that you set aside time to engage with your practice each month. You will be amazed by the energy that comes from hitting the reset button with each new moon and how much more you can manifest. You will discover that manifestation will come in much shorter periods of time.

Creating an intention ceremony with the New Moon begins by asking the Universe for what you want. Using both the asking of the Universe during this time of the new moon is a very powerful practice. The New Moon offers an opportunity to energize and recalibrate your focus during the upcoming cycle.

Setting these new moon intentions takes clearly ask for what you want is a big part of this practice. It requires you to dig deep into your heart and listen to what it is telling you. All that is required is to open your heart and have child-like inquisitiveness to explore what surfaces in your life with courage.

With each new moon, I like to begin fresh. Keep things clear, concise, and simple than over-complicate them. Sit quietly and think what it is you most desire to create during the next moon phase- approximately one month. My practice allows for four very clear intentions. You, of course, can have more or fewer intentions. The key is to listen to your own soul’s truth to find what’s most important to you at this time.

New Moon Intention Ceremony


Steps for Creating a New Moon Intention Ceremony

Create a sacred place.
This can be an altar, desk, or corner in your home. This space can be as elaborate or as simple as you like. Carve out a little space where you can place sacred articles that connect you to Universal Source Energy such as singing bowls, crystals, candles, etc. Create a space that makes you feel inspired, grounded, and connected to your deepest self.

New moon breath~work.
Breathing is a key aspect of manifesting and it will help you release any tension in your body so that you can write down your new moon intentions from a heart-centered space.

Begin by taking a long exhale out of your mouth.
Place one hand on your belly and one on your heart.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Make your inhales and exhales long and smooth.
Do this until you feel yourself becoming clear and grounded.
Finish the practice by placing both hands on your heart and sending gratitude to your body.
Be open to receiving support from spirit, guides and angels during this time of intention setting.


Write your list.
Take out a sheet of paper and write the date. Write your list in positive and affirming language. As you write slowly and with intention, feel the feeling of what you desire when it comes to you. This deep knowing allows it to be so.

Something very magical happens when you put pen to paper. If you like you can designate a notebook just for your moon lists.

At the end of the list write: This, or something better, now manifests for the highest good of all concerned. This statement gives the universe permission to substitute as needed to keep your manifestation karma super clean and clear.

New Moon Detachment.
Spend time with each of your intentions. Release your attachment to your intentions. Begin to be curious as to how the universe is conspiring, right now at this moment, to make your dreams come true. Send out gratitude to the Universe and excitement for what is to come.

Closeout your ceremony
Place your list in a sacred spot until next month when you will review it. When an item on your lists becomes real thank the universe. See where things are coming to you. See where you may need to adjust accordingly Before next month’s Intention Setting Time you can go through this inventory of your previous list so you will have more clarity moving forward.

Take your time creating Your New Moon Intentions. Setting aside an hour or so allows you to fully immerse in the possibilities to come. The best time to do this is 2 days before to 2 days after the height of the New Moon. And, Have fun creating this practice. Like anything, you will get better with time. What have you done before that you enjoy? What might you incorporate into a New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony?

May each new moon cycle bring infinite possibilities to you!

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