About the Institute
Access Your Inner Knowing
What is the Wise Living Institute?
The Wise Living Institute offers community, courses and coaching that allows you to access your inner knowing, align with your purpose and live your truth. We believe this wisdom is always at your finger tips. As a member of the The Wise Living Institute Community, you are provided with the resources guidance and support you need to step forward to a fuller, more joyful and abundant life.
interview with
the founder
what you
can expect
Interview With the Founder
Meet Laura Clark
How did The Wise Living Institute Come About?
I’ve been doing the work of the Wise Living Institute all of my life. Or, at least as far back as college, where I was a resident assistant and helped to guide young women to make wise choices based on their wisdom rather than on the advice of peers and influencers.
Yet, I strayed from this.
Like many, I let ‘life’ take over and made choices based on who and what others thought I should be. As my career as a YMCA professional began to flourish, I became increasingly unhappy with my life and, ultimately, fell into a deep depression. It was in this space that I had to do my own personal growth and spiritual development and sought support from mentors to hear my own inner wisdom and find the courage to act upon it. The first step to aligning was a career change. I began first as a massage therapist. Little did I know that much of the work I was doing was shifting my client’s perspective as well. It was in the face of all of this that I was called to be the catalyst to help others minds as well. And, I opened Soul Wise Living.
Soul Wise Living supported so many but, over the last year, I’ve been pulled to expand my work going beyond the one to one coaching and creating something that fully aligns my passions. The Wise Living Institute me to do this.
So, I’ve now taken all the tools I’ve accumulated over the years.
The tools I’ve used in my own healing, learning and being as well as Soul Coaching® with Denise Linn and numerous awakening workshops and blended them in a unique way. I’ve created a unique system to support others to navigate to find their own inner GPS. They use this system to discover their own soul’s wisdom and find great clarity and ease in decision making to experience exponential joy and abundance. Blending these, I help people really understand what their soul’s wisdom is trying to share with them so they can gain the peace-of-mind they crave and experience exponential joy & abundance.
How does the Wise Living Institute support this?
By becoming involved in the Wise Living Institute, you are able to leave their limiting beliefs and patterns of behavior that do not serve you behind. You create not only a new mindset but also discover their own “soulset” ~ an approach to living from their inner wisdom. This propels you into a fuller, more joyful and abundant life.
During those pesky moments of self-doubt and life challenges that we all encounter, you easily and effortlessly calm the negative internal dialogue and soothe their emotions to make the best possible choice from their hearing and understanding inner wisdom and intuition. You now make choices that are fueled by your own inner truth and aligned with your purpose.
Who does the Wise Living Institute support? And, who you work with privately?
The Wise Living Institute supports female entrepreneurs and busy women who are on a spiritual journey looking for a soft place to land and a welcoming community and to feel like they can be vulnerable and strong and true.
The sanctuary of the Institute provides a sacred space where these women feel like they don’t need to wear a mask. By learning and growing g in this community, they are able to learn how to regain confidence and discover the tools that will raise their vibration.
My private mastery coaching program supports those who are ready to step out of confusion and into clarity and who want to regain trust in themselves and courage to live freely and fully. We work together to help them discover their purpose, access their own inner knowing and align with that purpose to passionately live their truths.
My elite mastery mentorship program is my most exclusive coaching program. It is designed specifically for the advanced spiritual awakening person (light worker) who is ready to courageously embark on integrating their work into the community, an already existing businesses or who wants to take their work and create a purposefully passion filled business.
So you are a life coach?
No. What I do is very different than life coaching, which usually focuses on achieving what you want through goal setting, action steps, and motivation. My primary work is to be your catalyst for your own personal growth and development by helping you clear away inner debris so you can uncover your own innate wisdom. Life coaches often hold their clients accountable to reach a higher level of excellence through motivation and pushing which, while it can work well, it can also lead to a tiredness within. What is missing from this and where I come in is supporting your vital need to connect every day with your inner wisdom ~ to hear it more consistently, to understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously. This allows you to take more focused action, more courageous, and make choices aligned with your purpose for yourself and for everyone around you.
What’s the biggest concern you hear from people who postpone working with you?
That’s easy! People will say: “I have a busy life. Although I really want to have more peace-of-mind, joy, and abundance, I’m not sure I’ll be able to devote much time to this.” I’ve heard this so many times! Busy schedules do not shift ~ not for those who want to live life fully.
So, my question here is why would you want to postpone clarity? Put off having peace-of-mind? Have you ever known life to be simpler as time goes forward? Well, It can be if you have clarity. It happens when you can find peace in any given situation and step forward in Joy no matter the obstacles. When you incorporate the simple, easy, moment to moment spiritual tools that I teach and follow the compass to your inner wisdom, you will have all this and more.
The work we do together can be put into anyone’s lifestyle NOW you gain the ability to empower yourself and step more fully into your purposeful and passionate life using this simple tools I teach!
I believe that developing your access to your own inner wisdom is paramount to great success and great joy. And, it doesn’t have to be motional or difficult. You just need to know what to do. When you have the right guide it can be easy, creative and fun!.
I’d like to invite you to discover what it looks like to work with me. I will not only teach you techniques but I personalize them for you to create rapid and expansive growth so you can live your truth more fully and more passionately.
Don’t you think it’s time you had this support?
I’d like to invite you to
discover what it looks like
to work with me.
I’d like to invite you to discover what it
looks like to work with me. I will not only
teach you techniques but I personalize
them for you to create rapid and expansive
growth so you can live your truth more fully
and more passionately. Don’t you think it’s
time you had this support?

our philosophy
At the Wise Living Institute, we believe that each and every individual has an innate wisdom that can guide you through any challenge, obstacle or creative process if only you know how to access it.
We believe that each and every individual has the ability to access this innate wisdom, if only they choose. We believe that each and every individual can use this wisdom to live by for a fuller, more joyful and abundant life if only they will. We believe it’s your turn to have this discovery.

what you can expect
When you become a member of the Wise Living Institute Community, you join a group of courageous women learning and living by the wisdom within.
You will feel the energy, discover resources and gain the support of this amazing and inspiring community immediately.
Through this connection, you will be inspired to have, understand and act upon the truth and courage that is innately and divinely yours.
Learn how to ask for,
receive, and interpret
signs from the Universe.