soul wise
with laura clark
living your truth
about the

Finding Meaning & Wisdom
Finding Meaning & Wisdom The path to finding meaning & wisdom can mean different things to different people. With the Wise Living Institute about to celebrate its’ second birthday (CELEBRATION TIME!), I've been reflecting on the inception of WLI and how I...

Listening to Your Inner Wisdom to Discover Your Personal Truth
Listening to Your Inner Wisdom to Discover Your Personal Truth Listening to your inner wisdom to discover your personal truth may not be simple. Finding out who you are, listening to your heart, discovering what your personal truth is at any time in your life, and...

ASK – 6 Truths for Sassy & Spiritual Creatives & Entrepreneurs
ASK - Always Seek Knowledge to Step Forward Living Your Truth One of the truths about building your own business is that it takes support. It takes being strong enough to ASK for help when you need it and even when you think you don’t. ASK is an acronym...

Living Courageously – 6 Truths for Sassy & Spiritual Creatives & Entrepreneurs
The Art of Living Courageously Living courageously requires us to become uncomfortable. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone or so they say. Your comfort zone is a place of reliability. A place of predictability. But in order to grow and change...