Thanksgiving Message

Nov 28, 2020

Thanksgiving morning, with little sleep overnight, I woke up with these words echoing in my head. And, tears came. Here is my Thanksgiving Message ….

My Grandmother would say these words to me all the time. She would say them to me when we visited her as pre-schoolers playing in the woods and, with supervision, on the cliffs by her cabin. She would say them to me when we visited as school-age children exploring those woods and cliffs deeper. She would say them to me as a teenager in the summers as I headed out with friends on the water of the lake for the day. When I was a young woman leaving after visiting her, she would say them to me with a glint and gleam in her eyes knowing the path I was forging ahead was taking me to find my own ‘home’, to find me.


The message behind where ever you wander.... Share on X

The Thanksgiving Message from my Grandmother…

I awoke to hear these words knowing that she was sending a message to me. When she was saying these words to me, she was teaching me to grow, teaching me to wander and find the joy in it, teaching me to come ‘home’ to my soul. I woke up having (re)committing to trust in the U. for the path before me and for the path before each and every one of us. She was reminding me of this on this tender Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day 2020 would be one for the record books in many households. Indeed, my original three or four plans had come and gone. We spent Thanksgiving not eating out with my father and family as we traditionally do because the restaurant was closed. We spent Thanksgiving not eating a home-cooked feast as we hoped for in our new kitchen because it was not completed. But thanks to the kitchen fitters London, it helped a lot to transform our space from what it is into a brand new kitchen. Even though we spent Thanksgiving not having a romantic candlelit dinner, just me and the Big Guy were our next plan.

Like many, our Thanksgiving plans completely shifted and shifted again. We spent Thanksgiving eating take-out Turkey dinners in shifts while one of us tended to Delta, our fur-baby, who has been dealing with an acute attack of pancreatitis. [We are finally over-the-hurdle with her resting and eating comfortably and are now envisioning a full recovery.]

Thanksgiving Day 2020 was one for the records for us. What I knew, in my heart and soul, when I awoke that morning, that this year has been epic. That the wandering and the roaming has seemed to be filled with clouds and difficult paths and lessons. Oh, the lessons!

The Thanksgiving Message continues from me.

And I awoke knowing that where ever the day wandered, and where ever the day roamed, that I would be happy and healthy and glad to be ‘home.’ Home in my soul. Home in my heart. Home in the knowledge that the path, the dreams, and the schemes, are always co-created by the U. as long as you have trust in the process and faith in yourself.

No Doubt about it, your year has been filled with lessons and shifts and twists. I have no doubt others had more difficult Thanksgivings filled with hardship and others much more bountiful days filled with ease and grace.

This weekend ahead gives us the time to look back upon those lessons. Instead of us are racing to the New Year. Trying to get out of 2020 as fast as we can:

I invite you to look at the path you have wandered, the path that you have roamed, and to see what you have learned from it. The full moon on Monday allows us to celebrate our strength and resilience, to release the lessons, and forge ahead into the Holidays with renewed Gratitude for the wandering we do in life.

Whatever you chose to do for this epic Thanksgiving.

If you want to learn more about messages from ancestors and tools for spiritual living, the Living Your Truth Sisterhood monthly modules teach you how to do just this. And, there is always support available to catapult over any obstacle in using them!

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Your Living Your Truth Assignment [ Soul~Frolic Assignment ] is

Take a snapshot of each month in 2020 and give it a “Word”
Create a path through the year with each of these words to show you the lessons and joys of 2020. Discover the Thanksgiving Message in it.

At the Wise Living Institute, we teach you how to discover your “WHO” and the process to find your truth by looking within. With tools (like this one) and systems, we support in stepping forward Living Your Truth for greater peace-of-mind and passion-filled life. Allow us to show you how to access your inner knowing and call upon our teachings to make choices that are fully aligned with your purpose. Our courses, products, sisterhood, and programs were created to feed the soul and help you find realignment within.

What is your favorite way of connecting to your inner knowing that allows you to step into greater self-awareness?

In addition, visit another blog. There are also holiday dressing tips for little ones. For additional information, please see.

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