How to Move Forward When Things Change

Jul 26, 2020

What do you do to move forward when things suddenly change?

Things change. Sometimes, when you are in the middle of a project, you’ve made the plans and the flow seems effortless. Then, a challenge suddenly arises to make it not seem so easy anymore. Discover 10 things to support you to move forward when things suddenly change.

This year of Covid19 has been just one of those times. Change has come and its’ been beyond our comprehension. Things have changed fast and furiously. Moving forward suddenly stopped.

It has become a great time of deep introspection. A time of (re)evaluation, and a time of shifts and pivots.

So many have had challenges moving forward during this epic change

Because of this, it is a time of careful, thoughtful, and compassionate decision making. Reacting emotionally or irrationally serves no one.  And, most of all can affect your well-being and ability to make sound, soul-filled choices.

It is a time to fully understand who you are and what your purpose in life is. It requires us to get crystal clear on your big loan term dreams, and how to best, step x step, passionately pursue it.

How To Move Forward When Things Change

How to Move Forward When Things Change Share on X

Moving Forward When Things Change Requires Clarity

Creating Soul Success is an ongoing process of listening to your truth, having faith in the process of growth and development, getting support when needed, and creating accountability for action steps.

Clarity comes from hearing your inner knowing. This is more important than ever. To create space for one to hear that allows insights to be heard. Slowing Down, listening in through meditation, journaling, and forest bathing allows you to connect to your purpose and see/sense the next best steps for you


The 10 Step Approach for Moving Forward When Things Change

When things suddenly change, use this approach to stay connected to your purpose and allow your passion to flow so you can continue building your dreams.

1) Accept it as is.   Things happen. We can not undue the past. We can only see what has happened and begin to move forward from where you currently are.

2) Breathe Deeply & Step Back. There’s no sense rushing forward without seeing the best next steps.


3) Release judgments & Fears. When we judge, we come from a place of not seeing possibilities and opportunities. When we fear things, we are forever evading our abundant rewards.

4) Leg Go Of Control. When things changes, it often requires us to have other support us in any manner that they are able to do that.

The 10 Step Method for Moving Forward when things suddenly change... Share on X

How to Move Forward when things suddenly change

5) Creatively Visualize the best result possible. If you can look at the situation, think outside of the box, and see the results you want, often times you are given the next best steps to get you there.

6) Be open to new opportunities. When change happens, it’s important to look for the signs in life to see new expanded possibilities.

7) Let the next steps evolve naturally. Do not try to force steps. Moving forward when things change doesn’t have to be all that complicated.

8) Take Ownership by initiating small actions steps.  Do not allow yourself to get stagnant.

9) Get Support from Resources the Universe puts in front of you. Often times, moving forward requires connecting with others who can give you wise council.

10) Live In Gratitude. During times of change, it’s important to see all that there is to be grateful for.
The more you give energy to this, the more you will have to be grateful for.


Here is a Resource For Greater Clarity so you can move forward when things change

Discover 3 Ways to Amp Up Your Clarity to (re)connect to your dreams and step forward more purposefully & passionately (EBook HERE)

Your Living Your Truth Assignment is to reflect back on a time when you were asked to change in the middle of doing something. What did you do well and what might you have done better? How can you apply this to the next time you are asked to shift or pivot. You will be asked that sometime…the ‘only constant in life is change.’

At the Wise Living Institute, we teach you how to discover your “WHO” and the process to find your truth by looking within. With tools (like this one) and systems, we support in stepping forward Living Your Truth for greater peace-of-mind and a passion-filled life. Allow us to show you how to access your inner knowing and call upon our teachings to make choices that are fully aligned with your purpose. Our courses, products, sisterhood, and programs were created to feed the soul and help you find realignment within.

Because we know you can find your truth always. It is right there, at your fingertips. If only you know how to access it.

Don’t forget to Grab Your How to See The Signs From the Universe E-booklet to help guide your adventure

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