Finding Your Purpose – 6 Truths for Sassy & Spiritual Creatives & Entrepreneurs

May 31, 2021

Finding Your Purpose 

Finding your purpose and knowing your purpose is the ultimate success tool for living your truth and manifesting your dreams, joy, and prosperity in life.

This purpose ignites the passion that is felt deep within you. It fuels you to take courageous action to live that purpose.

Finding Your Purpose


Digging Deeper into Finding Your Purpose

Finding your purpose requires a look into who you are at your core. Through this introspection and seeing what brings you the greatest joy, you begin to discover your own truth. Defining it and deepening your understanding of that truth, brings clarity of what your purpose is.

This process of finding and knowing your purpose brings you to a place where you embody it. You are able to express it in five words or less. It is this depth and simplicity that allows you to connect with it often to (re)fuel your world.

Your purpose is not a mission statement of your life but rather a core understanding of the fundamental “BE”-ing for who you are.

Knowing Your Purpose

Knowing your purpose encompasses all that you do.

Your purpose is meant to be woven into your work, your family life, and your pleasurable pursuits. It ignites passion in what you do. It allows greater joy because It creates the meaning of being purpose-filled.

As Spiritual & Sassy Creatives and Entrepreneurs, we need to integrate all of us into all that we do. We need to be deeply aware of what our purpose is, how to engage it and lead with it.

It is then that we can truly shine and change the world.

When you know your purpose, it is THEN that you can truly shine and change the world. Share on X

4 Steps to Finding Your Purpose


Finding Your Purpose by listening to the tugs of feeling unfulfilled

This is your soul’s way of saying “its time to pay attention.”

Begin by writing down what makes you feel unfulfilled. You will want to then explore what it is that does fulfill you before being depleted.

Finding Your Purpose by listening to when you have felt completely fulfilled

By listening to when you feel completely filled, you will begin to see when you have been on track and following your purpose. 

Finding Your Purpose by connecting to what exactly you were doing in that moment of feeling fulfilled

Write down who you were with. What you were doing? What were you feeling, thinking, etc.? How were you “BE”-ing in that moment?

Compare the feeling of being fulfilled to the feeling of being unfulfilled

 What brings you joy? What doesn’t?

See when and where you are in and out of alignment with this. 


Want to learn more about the 6 Truths for Sassy & Spiritual Creatives & Entrepreneurs? Read this first blog in the series here. 



Grab the 6 Truths for Sassy & Spiritual Creatives & Entrepreneurs, along with guiding soul play activities to integrate each of these into your life to take courageous action TODAY!

Click the image below or go to

Your Living Your Truth Soul~Play Activity for Finding Your Purpose:

Finding Your Purpose

Grab a piece of paper. Make two columns. Title the first column Things I HATE Doing. Title the second column Things I LOVE Doing .

Fill these two columns with as much information as possible. Don’t invent what you think you might like to do. Simply rely on what you have done in the past.

Look at these two lists and find the categories that fit into each list. You will see a golden thread to them that will inspire you to start thinking about finding those things in your life that you do like to do! 

Generalized Q: Do you know your purpose? Can you articulate it in 5 words or less? 

Go Live Your Truth~fully. Bring All of you to what you do. The world needs you and your Truth!

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At the Wise Living Institute, we teach you how to discover your own personal “WHO” and the process to find your truth by looking within. With tools (like this one) and systems, we support in stepping forward Living Your Truth for greater peace-of-mind and passion-filled life. Allow us to show you how to access your inner knowing and call upon our teachings to make choices that are fully aligned with your purpose. Our courses, products, sisterhood, and programs were created to feed the soul and help you find realignment within.

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