Finding Meaning & Wisdom

Sep 6, 2021

Finding Meaning & Wisdom 

The path to finding meaning & wisdom can mean different things to different people. 

With the Wise Living Institute about to celebrate its’ second birthday (CELEBRATION TIME!), I’ve been reflecting on the inception of WLI and how I wanted it to be visually represented.

A major piece in the creation of the Wise Living Institute was the design and development of a deeply meaningful logo.  Because the logo would visually represent WLI, the elements and design needed to be visual representations of the foundations, mission statement and purpose of WLI.


Finding Meaning & Wisdom


Several years ago, I realized I had outgrown the small bubble of my coaching practice. As a result, it was time to (re)design my passionate work in the world. And so began the process to find meaning and wisdom for my new vision.


Finding Meaning in The Inception of the Wise Living Institute Logo

Working with my team, we set the foundation for the Institute. A foundation based in the four (4) element theory of living, in following one’s innate wisdom, and that personal growth leads to one’s deep understanding of purpose and living passionately.

Next, with the mission statement finalized, it was time to design our logo. I envisioned something nature-inspired; representing the four (4) element theory of living and the cycles of nature.  In addition, the logo needed to contain the elements of unity, community, and connectedness. It had to inspire growth, but also convey being rooted in one’s inner strengths.

A logo with meaningful color and a sense of fluidity and empowered femininity.

From there, it didn’t take long and with only a few edits, the logo for the Wise Living institute was created.


Listening to Your Inner Wisdom requires taking the time to quiet down all the chatter around and within you. Share on X



Finding Meaning in the Significance of the Logo

Each piece of this logo has great significance:

A Eucalyptus tree representing evolution and roots.
Moon and sun showing the cycles of nature.
And a golden ring depicting unity and spiritual connection.

In addition, the elements of the tree are symbolic of the personal growth process:

~ Eucalyptus leaves symbolize cleansing and healing power. They protect one’s sacred space and allow one to flourish in that safety, with great support. 
~ Crocus flowers: represent youthfulness and happiness, and engage us to be forever curious.

All these elements evoke feelings of evolution, of growth and connectedness, and of self-awareness and self-empowerment.

Consequently, the logo conveys the WLI mission of Access Your Inner Knowing, Align with Your Purpose, Live Your truth.


Your Living Your Truth Activity:

Finding Meaning & Wisdom


Your Living Your Truth Assignment is to sketch your own personal logo!

Take a moment and think about your own purpose and how you want to show up in the world.

Then, take out a pencil and sketch an image that represent that for you. You don’t have to be an amazing artist…you just have to connect to the feeling you want. For example, you can Google images that may convey that feeling for you and see if something lights you up.

What would it mean to have your own personal logo? And how would you use it to empower you to live your truth?

Jump into this activity. See what comes up for you.

You may discover more limiting beliefs or feel more deeply connected to your purpose, Either way, make the commitment. You’ll be awe-mazed what happens when you work on connecting to your core truth!


Generalized Q:

What is your favorite way of connecting to your inner knowing that allows you to step into greater self-awareness?



Looking for more support in Personal Growth and Development?

Consider the Living Your Truth Sisterhood

 A Community that embodies all aspects of this logo for you to grow in purpose, confidence, and courage. 

Living Your Truth Sisterhood


If you liked this post, please share it with your friends by clicking the links below! And, don’t forget to share your thoughts below too, I’d love to hear from you!


At the Wise Living Institute, we teach you how to discover your own personal “WHO” and the process to find your truth by looking within. With tools (like this one) and systems, we support in stepping forward Living Your Truth for greater peace-of-mind and passion-filled life. Allow us to show you how to access your inner knowing and call upon our teachings to make choices that are fully aligned with your purpose. Our courses, products, sisterhood, and programs were created to feed the soul and help you find realignment within.

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